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Commercial Dish &

 Glass Machine Rinse Aid

A concentrated rinse aid to help shed water off your glassware and cutlery leaving them streak and

deposit free.

MPI Approved C31

Directions: For glass washers: Use at 1:1000 (0.1% or 1ml p/L).

For dish washers: Use at 1:400 (0.25% or 2.5ml p/L)


Rinse Aid is a liquid rinse drying agent used to eliminate spotting and streaking of tableware, suitable for use in all types of dishwashers, commercial and domestic. C31 Approved



Appearance:                     Blue liquid

Dg rating:                          N/A

Flash point:                        N/A



Rinse Aid is specially formulated for use in all hospitals, restaurants and hotels where maintenance of spot and streak-free dinnerware is essential.


Directions for use

Rinse Aid is automatically injected into the final rinse water between 0.05 - 0.15ml/L of rinse water (50 - 150ppm). For washing by hand, dinnerware may be immersed in a hot final rinse containing 0.15ml of Rinse Aid per litre of water. Immersion of tableware will give quick drying and result is sparkling, spot free utensils.


Immaculate Rinse Aid

SKU: 02208/20
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