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The Solo Classic backpack sprayer 473D 10L diaphragm is the "baby" of the Solo backpack sprayer range with all the attributes of its larger siblings. The 473D backpack sprayer features a diaphragm pump and 10L tank capacity. Fitted with Viton seals, an unbreakable 50cm lance, and the L-shape handle for easy pumping, this sprayer is will help you get serious about your spraying!

The UV-resistant plastic tank is ergonomically-designed for maximum wearer comfort, and you can rest easy knowing that you're contributing to a sustainable future as the tank can be recycled.

Supplied with fan and cone nozzles. All the parts on this sprayer are interchangeable with its larger siblings. Some assembly required


Pump typeDiaphragmPistonPistonDiaphragmPiston
Capacity litre1215151520
Spray pressure bar44656
Dry weight kg3.
Wand length cm5050505050
Pressure regulator-

Solo Classic Backpack Sprayer 10L

SKU: Solo 473D

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